
CBG: The Mother Cannabinoid, therapeutic potential unveiled

The growing body of research on cannabigerol (CBG) reveals its immense potential as a therapeutic compound. With its anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antimicrobial, anticancer, and mood-stabilizing properties, CBG presents a promising avenue for the development of novel treatments for a wide range of health conditions.

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CBD vs. Sciatica

Do you ever experience a sharp, tingling pain sensation that runs from your lower back, and down the leg to your foot? You could be among the staggering 40% of the population that suffers from sciatica pain. So, what exactly is sciatica? Today’s blog will focus on the efficacy of CBD as a treatment for this common problem.

As always, we will look to plant medicine for a cure. Rather than relying on the commonly prescribed opioids as the pharmaceutical companies continue to push. Common opioid drugs for sciatica include Vicodin, OxyContin, Duragesic, Demerol, and Ultram. Each of these drugs has a similar mechanism for relieving pain symptoms. Cannabidiol and plant medicine is an enduring, healing treatment option with no risk of addiction and no side effects.

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The UGLY side of CBD
Today’s topic is the ugly side of CBD, a subject matter that can only be shadowed by the governments inference of CBD as a narcotic for so many years is bound to have some shady components. From unregulated vape pens to MLMS- The CBD market is downright cowboy country. Each year the cannabis industry, and CBD, will add billions to its market share; it is estimated to be valued at around 8 Billion by 2022. As it grows exponentially, consumers have a new need to educate themselves on which companies and products can be trusted. Let’s talk about some of the main reasons people may want to stay away from a CBD product line.
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