
CBG: The Mother Cannabinoid, therapeutic potential unveiled

The growing body of research on cannabigerol (CBG) reveals its immense potential as a therapeutic compound. With its anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antimicrobial, anticancer, and mood-stabilizing properties, CBG presents a promising avenue for the development of novel treatments for a wide range of health conditions.

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Eat your vegetables, and CBD
As most of you know, if you are purveyors of our blog, the endocannabinoid system regulates numerous physiological processes, these not only include the standard pain sensation, inflammation, and sleep and wake cycles – it is also known to moderate intestinal function, glucose metabolism, and the stress response. A poorly regulated endocannabinoid system is implicated in metabolic and bowel pathologies and many other diseases, the consequence of dramatic changes in the diets of modern-day humans from those of our ancestors. Today’s blog discusses the different and mutually beneficial roles of the cannabinoid receptors—CB1 and CB2—as it pertains to energy metabolism, digestion, and the role of diet.
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The UGLY side of CBD
Today’s topic is the ugly side of CBD, a subject matter that can only be shadowed by the governments inference of CBD as a narcotic for so many years is bound to have some shady components. From unregulated vape pens to MLMS- The CBD market is downright cowboy country. Each year the cannabis industry, and CBD, will add billions to its market share; it is estimated to be valued at around 8 Billion by 2022. As it grows exponentially, consumers have a new need to educate themselves on which companies and products can be trusted. Let’s talk about some of the main reasons people may want to stay away from a CBD product line.
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CBD for Virility
The use of plants, fungus, and plant-based products to entice a mate and stimulate sexual desire is almost as old as the human race itself. Before we can discern how CBD may be utilized to increase libido, its important to understand how CBD works in your endocannabinoid system. Located throughout our bodies are tiny receptors, culminating into a whole system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). These receptors can be imagined as the locks that the keys are cannabinoids, in this case, CBD — can unlock, or activate these receptors.
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