
CBG: The Mother Cannabinoid, therapeutic potential unveiled

The growing body of research on cannabigerol (CBG) reveals its immense potential as a therapeutic compound. With its anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antimicrobial, anticancer, and mood-stabilizing properties, CBG presents a promising avenue for the development of novel treatments for a wide range of health conditions.

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CBD- Better than Oral B

The idea of incorporating hemp or cannabis in your oral routine may not be a familiar inference. But recent data shows that cannabinoids could become a staple in the dental field in the years ahead. Some of the leading manufacturers of toothpaste have taken note of research showing that CBD and the beneficial antimicrobial properties that are relevant to dental health.

A 2020 study conducted by researchers in Belgium showed that “cannabinoids were more effective in reducing the bacterial colony count in dental plaques as compared to well-established synthetic oral care products, such as Oral B and Colgate.” Better than Oral B? That can’t be right. Right?

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